European Environment Agency workshop for LIFE CROLIS
On 15th and 29th January 2025 the European Environment Agency and its partners held a workshop for the LIFE CROLIS project on the use of CLC+.
On 15th and 29th January 2025 the European Environment Agency and its partners held a workshop for the LIFE CROLIS project on the use of CLC+.
The LIFE CROLIS project team wishes you all a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year.
On December 10th and 11th, 2024, the joint 5th meeting of the LIFE CROLIS project’s Advisory Board and the first meeting and workshop for fine-tuning the CROLIS data concept and model from project activity C1 was held, with the participation of three experts from Poland, Slovenia, and Germany.
On December 10th and 11th, 2024, the joint 5th meeting of the LIFE CROLIS project’s Advisory Board and the first meeting and workshop for fine-tuning the CROLIS data concept and model from project activity C1 is being held, with the participation of three experts from Poland, Slovenia, and Germany. The meeting was opened and the attendees were greeted by Mr. Željko Vuković, State Secretary in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition.
On the State Geodetic Administration website, it is possible to obtain information and submit a request to download the Normalized Digital Surface Model (nDSM) of Croatia. This data can be useful to architects, spatial planners, public officials and employees, surveyors, and the academic community in their daily work.
The LIFE CROLIS project presented its current results at the LIFE Program conference held on September 17, 2024, at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb. Around one hundred participants from various sectors attended to learn about the achievements and potential of the LIFE Program in financing the green transition in Croatia.
On the second day of the International Conference on Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS) held at the National and University Library in Zagreb from July 11 to 12, 2024, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition, as the coordinating beneficiary of the LIFE CROLIS project, presented the results of their work on the development of the National Land Information System in the Republic of Croatia.
During the first day of the International Conference on Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS) held at the National and University Library in Zagreb from July 11 to 12, 2024, Sinergise Solutions Ltd. as developer and the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, as partner in the LIFE CROLIS project, presented the results of their work on LIFE CROLIS project. This involved presenting the results and experiences gained from the pilot project within the development of the Croatian Land Information System.
During the first day of the International Conference of Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS) held at the National and University Library in Zagreb from July 11th to 12th, 2024, Ekonerg d.o.o., as a partner in the LIFE CROLIS project, presented the results of their work on the development of the National Land Information System in Croatia.
The International Conference of Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS (ICERS), organized by the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Geodesy, will take place on July 11th and 12th, 2024, at the National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia. During the conference, three papers developed within the LIFE CROLIS project will be presented.
The LIFE CROLIS project was presented to participants at the “Wood Trade” conference held on July 4, 2024, at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb. The conference was a good opportunity for meeting, conversation, and exchange of experiences with private forest owners and entrepreneurs in the wood processing industry sector.
On June 13th, at the Permanent Representation of Portugal to the European Union in Brussels, a conference titled ‘A Path for a Resilient Future’ was held as part of the 2024 European Green Week. During the conference, the LIFE CROLIS project was presented with a ten-minute video within the panel on ‘Governance solutions for integrated intelligent territorial management for energy, soil and water.’
On May 28th, 2024, the State Geodetic Administration organized the Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) 2024 at the National and University Library in Zagreb. The conference program included the 14th National Infrastructure for Spatial Information (NIPP) and INSPIRE Day, where the LIFE CROLIS project was presented.
The European Commission Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment CINEA approved the LIFE CROLIS Project Team request for extension.
On April 16th, 2024, the experts of Ekonerg d.o.o. – Institute for Energy and Environmental Protection held a presentation on activities on the development of Land Use (LU) and Land Cover (LC) layers for Croatia for the reference year of 2020.
The pilot project was carried out as part of Action C3 Mapping of LU and LU (wall-to-wall mapping) for the establishment of land monitoring system.
Dear all, Hope your basket is overflowing with goodies and your day is overflowing with blessings. Happy Easter!
The 4th meeting of the Advisory Board of the LIFE CROLIS project was held on March 5th and 6th, 2024.
Prof. Ph.D. Mario Miler is an associate professor at the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb and an expert in geoinformation technologies.
Dr. Geoff Smith is a director and consultant at Specto Natura Ltd., a Cambridge, UK-based Earth Observation consultancy.
As part of Activity E.2. Networking with other projects on February 7th, a webinar was held with representatives of two EU projects – the Spanish SIOSE and the Slovenian LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project.
Mr. Peter Weiss is a LIFE CROLIS Advisory board member with the biggest project working experience, both national and international.
The LIFE CROLIS project was presented at the LULUCF workshop on December 18 and 19 in Kopenhagen, organized by the European Commission General Directorate for Climate Policy.
On December 15, 2023, an online presentation of the procedures and the results of the research project “Implementation of the Pilot Project to support the creation of ARKOD+ (plus) and CROLIS LU initial layer” was held.
We are happy to introduce the members of Advisory board of LIFE CROLIS project. They are well known and experienced scholars who have research interest in land cover, land use, remote sensing and related fields.
On November 29, 2023, a thematic session of the Committee for Agriculture of the Croatian Parliament was held on the topic “Impact of EU climate policy on strategic planning in agriculture and forestry”.
The conference was also attended by Mladen Majcen from the Paying Agency in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, who gave a presentation on the Challenges of establishing ARKOD+ (plus) and CROLIS LU layers for the Republic of Croatia.
Results of the Questionnaire from Activity D.1 Monitoring and measurement of performance indicators.
As part of the Activity E2 Connecting with other projects, on October 17, 2023, members of the project team and experts of the project partners of the Paying Agency in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and Croatian Forests participated in the webinar of the InCoNaDa project.
The two-day, third in a row, meeting of the Advisory Board of the LIFE CROLIS project was held on July 3 and 4, 2023 in Zagreb. As part of the meeting, members of the advisory board participated in the presentation of the LIFE CORLIS project at the National and University Library on October 3, 2023, while on the second day of the meeting, numerous technical and professional issues were discussed.
In the National and University Library in Zagreb, on October 3, 2023, a presentation of the LIFE CROLIS project was held for representatives of the scientific, professional and other interested public.
On October 3, the 1st presentation of the LIFE CROLIS project will take place (Visibility event).
LIFE CROLIS project workshop (Type 1), as the first of the two provided by the Grant agreement for the representatives of local authorities and Croatian experts in the field of land monitoring, was held on September 5, 2023 in Vukovar.
The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, as the LIFE CROLIS project beneficiary, is organizing a LIFE CROLIS workshop on September 5, 2023 in Vukovar.
The second two-day meeting of the LIFE CROLIS project Advisory Board was held on 12th and 13th July 2023 in Zagreb. With the participation of experts from the Republic of Austria, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Croatia, the project partners reflected on the activities carried out so far on the project to establish the Croatian Land Information System – CROLIS.
From 12. to 13. July 2023. year in Zagreb će se održati drugi sastanak Savjetodavnog odbora projekta. Predstavnici partnerskih institucija koje provode projekt stručnjacima iz Austrije, Ujedinjene Kraljevine i Hrvatske prezentirat će do sada provedene aktivnosti na projektu
On 31st May 2023, the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development started implementing the CROLIS Pilot Project to support the development of ARKOD+ (plus) and CROLIS LU initial layer.
From 23th to 26th May 2023, the 1st European GREEN Conference – EGC 2023 was held in Vodice, Croatia. The 1st European GREEN conference was launched with the aim of exchanging knowledge and connecting scientists and experts and emphasizing the necessity of applying a multidisciplinary approach in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.
On 18th May 2023 the LIFE CROLIS project was presented as an example of good practice at the workshop of the Joint Research Center of the European Union on the topic of improving reporting on the sector of land use, land conversion and forestry (LULUCF).
On 17th May 2023 the experiences of implementing the LIFE CROLIS project were presented as part of the LIFE Info days that took place on 16 and 17 May 2023 in Zagreb.
On 13 th September 2022 the project team, with the presence of other partners on the LIFE CROLIS project, hosted Mrs. Kelsey Aho from the U.S. Forest Service.
On 10th June 2022, as part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the LIFE Program, the LIFE CROLIS project was presented.
The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, as the National Contact Point for the EU LIFE Program in cooperation with the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA) organized the LIFE Info Day on May 25, 2022.
The first meeting of the LIFE CROLIS project Advisory Board was held on 5th and 6th May 2022 in Zagreb. At the beginning of the meeting, experts from the Republic of Austria, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Croatia were welcomed by Višnja Grgasović, Head of the Climate Policy Sector of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.
On 14th December, 2021, as part of Action C1 – CROLIS data Concept and Model, experts from the Institute for Environmental and Nature Protection held a presentation on “Results of the questionnaire on the needs of users”
On 17th September 2021, a workshop for project partners was held in the organization of Croatian Forests on Analysis of spatial data on forests and forest land in Lika-Senj County according to land use categories (LU).
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