Presentation LIFE CROLIS project at Croatian Parliament Agriculture Committee session

Photo: Croatian Parliament

On November 29, 2023, a thematic session of the Croatian Parliament Committee for Agriculture was held on the topic “Impact of EU climate policy on strategic planning in agriculture and forestry”.

At the session, the relevant policy of the European Union in achieving the goals of reducing emissions by 2030 and the long-term goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 was presented, as well as the importance of the Land Use, Land Conversion and Forestry (LULUCF) sector in achieving these goals. In this sense, the importance of the LIFE CROLIS project and it’s result – National Information System for land monitoring in the Republic of Croatia, is particularly highlighted.

In front of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the head of the Climate Policy Sector of the Directorate for Climate Activities, Višnja Grgasović, gave an introductory presentation about the current legislative framework within which the climate change policies and goals of the European Union and Croatia are regulated, and about the impact of climate change on the future of Croatia. As Grgasović pointed out, Croatia, as a member of the EU, is obliged to improve the level of reporting on emissions, and the CROLIS system will play a key role in achieving this goal.

In the continuation of the session, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Zdravko Tušek, addressed the audience and described the challenges that await Croatian agriculture during the necessary process of adaptation to climate change. Agriculture is important for contributing to the goals of the European Green Plan, Tušek emphasized, but it is necessary to respect three key elements: sustainability (environmental, social and economic), the fact that the implementation of the Green Plan is regulated by complex legislative solutions that require significant administrative efforts, and legal certainty for business of farmers. The Secretary of State also gave full support to the CROLIS project, expressing his belief that both relevant Ministries (Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and Ministry of Agriculture) will benefit from the use of the system once it is established.

Project manager Domagoj Stjepan Krnjak presented the CROLIS project, introducing the present representatives to the project activities and the current phase of the project. He also presented the previous results of the project holder of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the project partners of the State Geodetic Administration and Croatian Forests. The results achieved so far by the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development and Ekonerg d.o.o. presented by Mladen Majcen and Vladimir Jelavić.

The presentation was followed by a discussion, and at the end of the session, support was once again expressed for the establishment of the National Information System for land in the Republic of Croatia.

The Committee Recommendations were adopted unanimously at the 118th session of the Committee held on 12. december 2023.

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