F Project management

F2 Audit

In accordance with the requirements of the LIFE programme, the European Commission can carry out technical and financial checks and audits in connection with the use of grants. The audit can be initiated during the implementation of the Agreement and during a period of five years starting from the date when the last payment was made.

Accordingly, this activity includes the establishment of financial monitoring of the project, financial management of the project, monitoring of financial documentation and compliance of all partners’ operations with national legislation.

Following actions


AfterLife Plan

This Action implies the creation of a Plan on the long-term sustainability of the CROLIS system, which will define the obligations and duties of individual institutions in the post-implementation period. The plan will foresee possibilities of expansion and permanent improvement of the system. According to the Plan, within a period of five years after the completion of the project implementation, the beneficiary coordinator will submit annual reports to the Government of the Republic of Croatia.


Overall project management

This Action refers to the overall management of project implementation by the project team and governing bodies (Management Board and Steering Committee) established for the needs of the project in accordance with the highest criteria of professional management. It includes duties such as ensuring an audit trail, preparing regular and on-demand reports, and overall project management.


Project establishment

Aktivnost podrazumijeva organizacijsku i tehničku pripremu sustava za provedbu projekta LIFE CROLIS te zapošljavanje članova projektnog tima.