A Preparatory actions
A1 Project establishment
The project envisages the employment of a project team whose task is to coordinate activities on the project, establish good communication between partner institutions on the project and ensure timely execution of activities with the aim of executing project activities and successfully completing the project.
The project envisages the establishment of an Advisory Board composed of European experts from the field of land monitoring and land use, land use change and forestry.
Following actions
Purchase of the IT equipment for CROLIS relevant institutions
For the purposes of implementing the project, within this Action, the necessary IT equipment and software for the efficient operation of the CROLIS system will be procured.
Hiring of new persons for the CROLIS implementation
This Action envisages the planning, implementation of employment procedures and hiring a number of specialized experts in the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ekonerg d.o.o., the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development and the State Geodetic Administration.
Issuing the Government decision which defines roles of institutions in the CROLIS implementation
This Action implies the preparation and adoption of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia as a fundamental document on the establishment and sustainability of the CROLIS system.