E Communication and dissemination of results
E1 Dissemination of results
Based on the Communication Strategy and the communication plan, the presentation of the project and the dissemination of the results are planned to take place in several different ways.
This website is just one form of communication and presentation of the project and its results.
In addition to the website, it is planned that brochures and leaflets will be published, as well as a number of other promotional materials that use the project logo and the LIFE Programme logo.
In addition to the above, the project will be promoted by holding three visibility events during the project implementation phase. The participation of representatives of various state institutions, scientists and representatives of NGOs is planned for these events. In addition to the participation of the members of the project Advisory Board, the participation of representatives from neighbouring countries and SEE countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia) and representatives of projects with a similar theme is planned.
During the project, presentations with the participation of experts from the LIFE CROLIS project are planned to be held at various conferences and congresses in the European Union.
An additional form of promoting the project and informing the broader interested public will be carried out by holding targeted workshops for representatives of professional services of local and regional authorities that will have the opportunity to use the CROLIS system services in the future.
Following actions
Networking with other projects
In the implementation of this Action, the LIFE CROLIS project will connect with similar and related projects in the European Union and abroad with the aim of transferring knowledge and networking experts. A special emphasis in the dissemination of the results will be directed towards the countries of Southeast Europe.
Overall project management
This Action refers to the overall management of project implementation by the project team and governing bodies (Management Board and Steering Committee) established for the needs of the project in accordance with the highest criteria of professional management. It includes duties such as ensuring an audit trail, preparing regular and on-demand reports, and overall project management.
This Action includes the financial monitoring of project progress and the establishment of the accounting system. At the very end of the project implementation, an independent external audit firm will be hired to review all financial and other relevant project documentation before submitting the final reports to the European Commission/CINEA.