C Implementation actions

C5 Capacity building for CROLIS reporting

The objective of this action is to implement measures that will build the necessary human resources for the implementation of CROLIS.

The CROLIS database will be developed using the innovative EU approach to land monitoring and the EAGLE matrix. Expert knowledge on the EAGLE approach needs to be upgraded in Croatia by using the knowledge transfer and by defining training plans for all CROLIS project partners. For this purpose, external help will be provided by EU experts. In addition, it has been estimated that training and capacity building measures for using CROLIS will need to be implemented after its establishment.

Capacity building measures will contribute to the necessary modernisation of data usage (data provision and flow) in public authorities and organisations as well as increase the quality and quantity of the data itself. It will foster a common understanding of the workflow to fulfil national requirements, from usual reporting to INSPIRE conform data provision based on a collaborative CROLIS system. This action will overcome the current institutional obstacles in sharing data and information across ministries and subordinated institutions.

Following actions


Sustainability of CROLIS

As part of this activity, several series of training-workshops focused on the development of professional and personnel capacities will be organized as the foundation on which the operation of the CROLIS system will rest. The training of key experts and other necessary personnel necessary for the operation of the CROLIS system is planned.


CROLIS data concept & model

Implementation actions will begin with a review of current international legislation regarding the needs for reporting on greenhouse gases and available sources, and gathering information on the needs of future CROLIS users. After that, the creation of the CROLIS system concept and data model will be started.


Sample based system for historic LC and LU

For reporting in the LULUCF sector according to the methodology of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the collected data on land cover changes must be classified into six categories. It is also necessary to collect historical data on land cover changes between these categories, and for this purpose, historical orthophotos collected from 1968 to 2020 will be used.