LIFE CROLIS project presented on Days of SDI 2024

On May 28th, 2024, the State Geodetic Administration organized the Days of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) 2024 at the National and University Library in Zagreb. The conference program included the 14th National Infrastructure for Spatial Information (NIPP) and INSPIRE Day, where the LIFE CROLIS project was presented.
The State Geodetic Administration, as the National Contact Point for NIPP and INSPIRE, organized the conference ‘Days of SDI 2024.’ The conference took place on May 27th and 28th, 2024, at the National and University Library in Zagreb. As part of this conference, the 14th NIPP and INSPIRE Day was also held. This event is a traditional annual conference that brings together participants from the Republic of Croatia and the broader region of neighboring countries. The Days of SDI connect participants from various fields, providing an overview of the latest news, projects, and plans, as well as insights into the current state of spatial data and related areas. The platform encourages open dialogue and the exchange of opinions and experiences, with a specific focus on raising awareness about spatial data and its application, particularly emphasizing the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, its establishment, development, and maintenance to meet the requirements of the INSPIRE directive. It is intended for anyone working with spatial data and related domains for business purposes, as well as those who use spatial data in their everyday lives.
As part of this year’s program, the LIFE CROLIS project was presented along with its results. In the introductory part of the presentation, Mrs. Višnja Grgasović, the head of the Climate Policy Sector at the Ministry of Environment and Green Transition, provided an overview of the project’s basic data, its purpose, and the reasons for its initiation. The project aims to collect data on land use and report on emissions and sinks of greenhouse gases in the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.
Domagoj Stjepan Krnjak, the project manager, provided an overview of the project’s results for all the involved project partners. The project LIFE CROLIS presentation is available here.
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